LUMC Youth News

Loxley Church of Grace is currently seeking out families to plug into our youth program. If your family is looking for a place to call home and would like to help pioneer a Youth Ministry that takes young people seriously, focuses on spiritual development, and integrates them into the Body from a young age so they continue on in the faith after High School, come and join us and lets build together!

"Youth ministry seeks not to make young people “Christian youth” but to participate in the humanity of the young as they encounter the living Christ.Youth ministry is not about strategies to produce “Christian youth” that hold on to the fashion and stay loyal to the brand. Instead, it seeks to invite young people into the cruciform space of Stellvertretung (of place sharing) that is concretely lived out by the community of the church."
Andrew Root
Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker


During this time of social distancing, we are going to take advantage of our digital technologies so that you can still attend our Sunday services.  We will post weekly recorded sermons as needed.  We are also going to live stream on Facebook. 

Our Staff

Joe McKinney


Don Newberry

Music Director

Jennifer Hall

Youth Ministries

Barbara Davis

Office Administrator & Secretary-Treasurer

Diane McCrary


Beth Henson


Irvin Mosley

Church Custodian

Debi Shanks

Office Administrator

Donna Lane

Newsletter & Church Communications